Friday, May 25, 2007
Today was the last day of school and finnally the long awaited one month holiday has arrived. The cage is open and I am able to roam free, to do anything I want. The school gave us back all of our report books today, and somehow I feel that the report book is somthing like a criminal record, showing every single misdeed in the conduct section and of course the academic results, whether you done bad or good. Mine was good, at least more than what I had expected. I passed all subjects and got the level position of 49/219. Pretty pleased with that.
Anyway the holiday is packed with dreadful task. Gotta go back to school for extra lessons, debating training sessions, drum practices and of course performances. June holidays may be a time to buck up, but for me its totally for rest and fun only. However, I have no other choice but to complete the holiday assignments, though its #$%^ing bullshit to me.
I gotten the latest Playstation 3 lately. It's just purely awesome. Jaw-dropping graphics, action packed shooter games, and whole lot more of fun. Match it up with a 40 inch HDMI television and it will definitely pack a punch. Even the console looks pretty, black cover with sexy Playstation 3 initials on it, touch sensitive buttons. An ultimate luxury. Oh, and not to forget, it burns a hole in the pocket too, a pretty big one.

WenJie left at || 8:31 PM


Thursday, May 17, 2007
I have gotten some of my papers back. A couple of mixed feelings, both happy and sad. Well, on the bright side, I have gotten 3 distinctions so far, for chem (35/50), physics (39/50) and core geography (35/50). I expected to get more for core geography though, kind of dissapointed with the low marks. The bad thing is, I failed maths. 45 over 100. I expected it, but it still hit me hard when I saw the marks. However, I passed chiese overall, and I am pretty please with the chinese results.
I will most probably be getting my elective lit paper tommorrow and I really hope I can pass it. At least my efforts to read the novel so many times would not go to waste. I think there is no point thinking about social studies. I dont expect myself to pass that paper.
I was going through my friends play list when I saw the song Graduation today. So I listened to it, finding myself in deep lost as the lyrics go by. I really missed my friends. I remember an individual who told me she cried when she listened to this song, and probably my heart would weep together with her as I miss her so. It was pretty long time ago, but I can recap those memories clearly, as if it was just a few days ago. Everybody has to go on, life has to go on, nobody could stop it. I wish I could, but there is no point thinking about it.

WenJie left at || 10:00 PM


Sunday, May 13, 2007
The exams are over and I am free. The air never smelled so sweet. The ground never felt so firm. I can finnally leave that desolate study room.
I watched spiderman 3 yesterday at The Cathay with the 4k digital thing. Well, as expected it was a two-thumbs up action packed movie. There were some parts which were funny too. What I liked most about the movie was the part where Harry was dieing, beside spidey and MJ. It shows how important friends are and how much we should cherish best friends. No matter what happens, best friends are always there.
Well, lets hope that tommorrows chinese paper will be a breeze. I am not born being an expert in chinese, one is not born walking.

WenJie left at || 10:20 AM


Thursday, May 10, 2007
I should be studying, instead of blogging. I dont give a dam anyway. Just two more papers to go, and I would be free. Well, the best always come last, so I cant wait for the papers to be over.
I had chemistry today, it was pretty fine. Yesterday was maths and core geography. Well, lets not talk about maths, it's a total disaster. I hope I will pass, even a borderline pass would do fine. Core geography was kind of easy to me, just two questions out of three, short and sweet.
Tommorrow will be physics, but I guess in combine physics all you will need is some common sense and remember all of the fomulas to do the paper. Next monday would be the last paper which is chinese. There won't be anything to study for chinese, so I think I am free by tommorrow. First thing I would do, watch spiderman 3. Many people have watched it I know. But I haven't.
Now lets hope everything will go smoothly for tommorrow's physics paper and I will be free.

WenJie left at || 5:01 PM


Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Time flies, and the exam papers are starting in two days time. Like a new chapter of horror unfolding from a book. So I am just going to hang on and ride with the 'waves', hope everything will finish as soon as it came.
Around a week ago during last Friday, I had my Chinese and English paper 1s. Two wrist breaking examinations in a single day. How smart of the higher authorities to slot in two compositions in a day, anyway they had been doing this every year so it doesn't make any difference if they change now anyway. I guess I wrote pretty alright, but I will know sooner or later.
I am upset that I am not going to watch Spiderman 3, the movie that I have anticipated for around a year. Thats round 365 days of waiting? And I am made to wait 14 days more due the the exams. Great. I dont seem to have a choice, so I will just wait.
Waiting for the exams to be over is like waiting for a time bomb to turn loose. The moment the exams are over, I am going to explode with all my freedom coming back to me, doing whatever I want to do. But I thought to myself, what if the first thing I am gonna do?
Maybe I will just hang on and ride with the 'waves' :)

WenJie left at || 10:10 PM


Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Chinese oral sucks man, and I just had mine yesterday. What can I say about it? Well, I pretty much screwed it up. First up, I ended up choking on so many words, like wtf. Secondly, I didn't really say much in the one to one conversation with the teacher. Just 3 sentences and I am done.
Exam paper 1 is this Friday, stressed up man.
I am on the edge of breaking down, due to all the stress in work and other issues. I have been holding on tight, and I will try to hold on until the exams finish. So what would I do when the exams finish? I am gonna go mad.

WenJie left at || 7:37 PM


Monday, April 16, 2007
Havent posted for quite some time, so decided to write something since I am free and had a great time today. I am not really happy to face an exam but today's afternoon exam was an exception. It was my F&N practical exam for SA1. It was kinda fun working in the kitchen with the rest of the class. Personally, I enjoy cooking quite well, it gives me this kind of sense of satisfacton after I made a good dish.
I was sort of nervouse for this practical as I thought I would screw it up as I did at home. Everything turned out fine though =]. It was kinda rush in the beginning but after we finish cooking and presented the dishes to our teachers, we slacked and walked around, tasting other peoples dishes and enjoy some great cooking. I cooked chicken, fish and brocolli. They all turned out fine.
Exams are like coming vey soon, round 2 weeks time. That sucks, in fact it sucks real bad. Why does this year exams start so early? Cos of the early O level examination? Well all I can say is this system of exam period sucks, dam sucks. Working on the exams rite now, ain't really started mugging yet. NAPFA 2.4km run is this Thursday too, wtf.

A pic of my fish =]

WenJie left at || 8:19 PM



cycling. staring at the com.
to go coffee bean. listening to songs.
hanging out with frens. Need For Speed.
cycling fast, for adrenaline and thrill.
school, not exams.
to have authority, not follow it.
Lamborghinis. the Skyline and Evo 9.
Honda R1. Santa Cruz. Oakleys.

meet more people.
I love my dearest friend who I will neva forget.
I wanna grow up soon. Attend NS.
Fight for wars. Killing people.
Shooting them. Stabing them.
Bomb them to pieces. Suffocate them.
Snipe them down. Search and Destroy.
I love my family. My sister.
Wish her luck for her law studies.
My mother. She's a great Chef.
My father. Who has more common sense than anyone.
I love myself. There is nothing much bout me.
This is my life, with scars and bumps.
With memories imprinted into my head.
One day I will leave this place, to somewhere else.
My path shines ahead of me,
and I will continue walking till it ends,
and continue onto another path. Peace for all of Mankind.

Jiemin Meii Togoparts Alvina Alvin Wong Bernice Claire Corrine Jolene Kaiting
Kaylin Kenny Mr Goh Shuhui Sinren Tabitha Victoria Wanqi Ynex

skin by `jiemin, ur dearest meii